christmas 2012
Let us rejoice in the Mystery of the Incarnation,
in the Humanity of God,
in the Wonder of the Word made Flesh.
Let us rejoice that God is with us,
a hidden silentpresence,
transforming to gold the leaden rock of earth.
Let us rejoice that the best name of God is Love,
a Love that draws us like a magnet,
that nothing can defeat, neither evil nor pain nor death.
Let us rejoice in God revealed to us as a baby,
whose weakness is stronger than our brittle pride,
whose light shines clearer than our wilful blindness.
Let us rejoice that God has given us one another,
that we might learn to bear the beams of love.
Let us pray that we may not betray God's trust in us,
nor our own in one another.
Let us pray that we may have courage to change our lives,
as nations and as individuals,
that the hungry may be fed, the poor achieve dignity,
the oppressed go free, and the stranger be welcomed.
Let us pray for those in authority among us,
that they may respect the law and seek to reform it,
and work for justice and the common good.
Let us pray for the peacemakers of the world
and all who through their vision and struggle
seek to make us citizens of one earth.
Let us remember the lonely and anxious among us,
the elderly, the homeless, and the starving,
the foolish and the despairing,
the sick at heart and those in pain,
the dying and those who mourn,
and those whose hearts are hardened against the love of God.
Let us remember those who rejoice with us,
but upon another shore and in a greater light,
that multitude that no-one can number,
whose hope was in the Word made flesh,
and with whom, in this, we for evermore are one.