focus on faith - Mariners Club

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focus on faith

church services

Today is a gift      (April 2010) by Rev. Peter Ellis
Love before tradition   (June 2010) by Rev. Peter Ellis
We have to trust   (July 2010) by Rev. Peter Ellis
You've got talent       (September 2010) by Rev. Peter Ellis
Integrity counts  (November 2010) by Rev. Peter Ellis
A new beginning (January 2011) by Rev. Peter Ellis
Reflecting on death and hope (March 2011) by Rev. Peter Ellis
Moving on   (February 2012) by Geoffrey Moore
Growing through giving (June 2012) by The Revd Chris Collison
Give and you shall receive (July 2012) by The Revd Chris Collison
Bereavement (September 2012) by The Revd Chris Collison
Missing you  (November 2012) by The Revd Chris Collison
Exploring faith (January 2013) by The Revd Chris Collison
Spring: a time for renewal (May 2013) by John Attenborough
The importance of standing up for what you believe in (July 2013) by John Attenborough
The times,they are a-changin': on board, on shore - and in the rulebooks (September 2013) by John Attenborough
A story about travelling through the eye of the storm (November 2013) by John Attenborough
Friends in unexpected places  (January 2014) by Ken Peters
Making your ship a welcoming place  (April 2014 ) by Ken Peters
Keeping calm in rough seas  (May 2014) by Ken Peters
At times of media speculation and reflection:
the Glory without the glamour
(July 2014) by Ken Peters
The story of the ship's master and "the God switch"  (September 2014) by Ken Peters
Maintain good standards and nurture right relationships ( November 2014) by Ken Peters

Share the message of peace and good will to all  (January 2015) by Ken Peters

No need to make the journey home alone  (March 2015) by Ken Peters

Extending the hand of friendship   (May 2015) by Ken Peters

Greater than the sum of its parts (August 2015) by Ken Peters

Help in times of trouble  (October 2015) by Ken Peters

Expatriates from the Kingdom of Heaven (November 2015) by Adam Boulter

Blessed are those who mourn (January 2016) by Adam Boulter

Drawing strength in times of crisis (March 2016) by Ken Peters

Bringing laughter and lightness  (May 2016) by Ken Peters

Breaking free from confinement (July 2016) by Ken Peters

Kindness, gentleness and love (September 2016) by Ken Peters

Women at sea should be treated as equals (November 2016) by Ken Peters

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