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         The Mission to Seafarers in partnernship with the Apostleship of the Sea,
         Danish Seamen's Church and German Seamen's Mission work together
         to provide pastoral and spiritual support to all seafarers.
         We operate two centres, one  in Tsim Sha Tsui in the heart of
         the shopping district and the Mariners'Club at Kwai Chung close to terminal 3.


Tsim ShaTsui

"Cast your burden on the Lord, and He will sustain you."
Psalm 52:22
Rev'd Canon Stephen Miller
Senior Chaplain

2 Container Port Road, Kwai Chung ,
New Territories - Tel.2368 8261

荃 灣 葵 涌 貨 櫃 碼 頭 路 二 號
Opening hours: 0900 - 2100

Lai King MTR station exit B


2 Container Port Road, Kwai Chung
    Hong Kong, SAR China  
Tel +852 2368 8261
Fax +852 2366 0928
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